Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas Day
Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
pre- christmas activity #4 Gardner village

Monday, December 22, 2008
pre- christmas activity #3 Robin's house

Okay I need to figure out how to do a picture collage so that I do not have just endless lines of photos. Here Diane these are for you...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
pre- christmas activity #2 Zoo lights

This was so fun we will do it again next year. We slid in through the zoo gates just after 8:00 so we had only an hour to walk around. The lights are cool and a little more exciting that temple square. We didn't see too many animals but it was fun to see the ones that we did in a different setting ( they were not all hot and lazy and hiding from the sun.) The coolest by far was the sloth (see top picture). If I had the new camera that I got for Christmas I could have taken a better picture of him. He was in the snake house in the middle part that was roped off for the winter. He was literally 2 feet in front of us with no cage and no glass. It looked like he had accidentally come down out of the trees and was stuck on the rope fence. He kept trying to get back up there and couldn't quite figure it out. We watched him for probably 15 minutes and could have stayed longer if we had the time. So cool! Then right outside of the snake house the wolf was howling on the ridge of the hill.
Isn't Keagan just about as cute as they come?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
pre- christmas activity #1 Wiggins party

Friday, December 19, 2008
Poem of the month November
by Charles Reznikoff
Not because of victories
I sing,
having none,
but for the common sunshine,
the breeze,
the largess of the spring.
Not for victory
but for the day's work done
as well as I was able;
not for a seat upon the dais
but at the common table.
"When will you make hot chocolate mom?" says Sage for the 4th time in 6 minutes. And this is probably the reason I don't blog much.
Skip this if you'd like but for documentations sake...
Anyway, November passed without major event. Thanksgiving was lovely at my mom and dad's house with Jennifer, Paul and Kira. Jen, my mom and I cooked up a storm. Jason made the gravy and Paul (as always) hopped right to the dishes before everyone was even finished eating. No pictures because that is not the Dalley way of doing things. Jason and Samantha and Cooper went rock hounding at the iron mines and found some VERY cool rocks. I helped my mom with her office and Kira kept the twins entertained. We watched John Adams and just hung out and talked. I feel very lucky that I enjoy my family of origin. I mean really enjoy them, choose to spend time with them, look forward to it even. Brother's-in-law included.